Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Beginning

She clicked the button and waited as the computer thought about loading the page. She had been meaning to do this for a while, but it hadn't really hit her to actually do until earlier today. She grinned as the computer loaded the page and prompted her to create a name for herself. 
She thought about different names, none of them striking her as the One. The feeling of creating a new identity for her-self was mind-boggling but she relished the feeling of freedom it gave her. As she finally typed in a name, a grin broke out on her face. This was it. This was the new beginning that she was looking for. A way to pour her feelings into her writing and have others see it and help her better her writing skills. She couldn't wait to begin creating.
As soon as the page was completed, she pulled up Word and began typing. It was time for her to make her debut. 

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