Sunday, May 26, 2013

What Happens At Home P2

Her dark green eyes looked back to her screen, only to find that her fingers had made a few mistakes when she had looked away. Quickly fixing them, Eleanor let out a soft sigh. Just a few more minutes….

            As soon as she was able, Eleanor saved her work and clocked out. Within minutes she was walking to her apartment which was only a few blocks down from the editorial offices. The strawberry blonde rolled her eyes as her phone rang out with a text alert. She fished it out of her purse and glanced at the name on the screen: Max. Again. 


  1. Welcome to Snippet Sunday! And to blogging, it looks like? :-) Looking forward to reading more.

  2. Hello Danielle--Welcome to snipping and blogging. Is Finding HiddenPages the name of your blog? Clever!

  3. Hope you have fun with your snippets.

  4. Ah and what does Max want I wonder? Welcome to Snippet Sunday!
    History Sleuth's Milk Carton Murders
